Spring brings fresh showers
Spring brings lots of joy
Spring brings lovely flowers
Spring brings this little boy.
Yes, siree! Spring is here to stay! Well, in Las Vegas, just for a few months, then the heat claims its kingdom. But until then, my heart fills with joy as we breathe the fresh air, watch the flowers bloom, and experience spring photo sessions again. This little handsome guy brought spring with him, this was my first official spring session (literally, this session was taken the 1st day of spring). I am so happy, as we mark a year since the world wide shut down, to be able to enjoy a better normal. We have come a long way since last year, and my heart is full of gratitude to the wonderful people who got us here. We now can enjoy spring photo sessions again and document these lovely memories once more. Here's to a better year!
Susy Gentry ©2021
Las Vegas & Henderson, Nevada, Family & Children Portrait Photographer.